Pick-up and go! That’s our motto… Thursday, Apr 27 2006 

Imagine that your father was addicted to a certain type of porn (ew, I know, gross to think about), and you were sitting in the living room watching TV, minding your own business, and Dad comes in saying "Alright hunny, we're moving to Amsterdamn".  Um, excuse me?  That's across the WORLD.  Is the first thought that comes into your head (I would assume). 

With all of the different communities and cultures all over the world, it is hard to get everything you want by staying in one place.  Depending on each area in the world, there will be a certain amount of likes and dislikes; it does not change when it comes to pornography.  Pornography, as we all know, is treated differently depending on where it is.  There are all of these zoning laws that we have learned about, and common knowledge that porn is accepted in some places more than others.  There is nothing wrong with that, but it seems a little strange when people will travel the world just to get their fix of their favorite porn.  I don't know if I could ever change my lifestyle, even for an obsession.  I think part of the reason that people can see what they are missing out on, lets say if they are from the United States, is because anyone can go on the internet, type in "hot bods from Germany" and OH MY GOSH, look at how many hotties you find.  If the person is that obsessed, they will pick up and move to Germany, just for a glimpse of those "hot bods".  The internet is the same everywhere, so you can guarantee that the German men (or women) are looking at the hot bods from the United States.

Intangible “stuff” = Trademarks & Copyrights Tuesday, Apr 25 2006 

To trademark something is to protect someone or a company's reputation in the marketplace when it comes from distinguishing one product from another.  After watching Lecture 33 on Intellectual Property, I was shocked that the New York Stock Exchange had a trademark on the architecture of their building.  Basically, anyone can trademark a product, and if they don't trademark it, they can put copyright laws on it.  Copyrighting something is when someone copyrights texts, images, etc.  There are copyright laws on the "Happy Birthday" song, and trademark laws on certain ways to spell "Kleenex" and "Jeep".  Things like that sound rediculous but a lot of people take them seriously.  Why do you think books are copywritten?  It's because people do not want to have to worry about anyone plagerising their work.  With the copyright laws, it gives a plagerist the right to sue.  With any of these laws it gives the owner the right to sue.  You can put a trademark on anything, or a copyright on anything, you just have to make sure that you enforce these laws otherwise they can be taken away.  That is why Sonny Bono tried to get the Sonny Bono Term Extension Act passed, where copyright laws would be extended for 70 years after the person's death.  That is insane!  Without these laws however, there would be so much controversy in our world today.  There would be chaos for years to come.

De Ja Vu? Monday, Apr 24 2006 

I found a blog through Technorati about MySpace.com. It was "De Ja Vu" for me because I remember earlier in the semester, I wrote about MySpace and Friendster as social networking websites. This blog that I found was actually posted on some teenagers MySpace account (surprisingly, his user name was "Teenage Wasteland"…). Through this blog I found out things that I had actually agreed with and written about in my initial blog about this topic. It surprised me that MySpace is "turning…into an all-purpose portal site, with search engine capacity to rival Yahoo! and Microsoft's MSN. Already it is attracting roughly 15 per cent of all display advertising on the internet." Although this social networking website MySpace, as well as the other ones – for example: Friendster, Facebook, etc. – is a huge resource for a lot of people, it is a danger to young children as well as adults. Youngsters are posting inappropriate pictures of themselves, and many people want to make it so that children under 16 can not access the site, however anyone can lie about their age online. There is no way to prove whether or not they are 16; who cares? Again, I will push my notion that parents NEED to start controlling their childrens' internet access, otherwise we have no idea what will happen in the future, especially with all of these sites coming out. And now, not only is it just your friends who are on this site, but older people. It gets you thinking: "What if I put up a picture of me posing sexually in a bikini and my older brother saw?" It just doesn't sound right or feel appropriate at all.


Question(s) for Lucas Thursday, Apr 20 2006 

1.  Are there a lot of gay pornographic role models out there?

2.  Do you think that eventually gay pornography will help those slightly homophobic people to accept homosexuals more? 

Congressional Hearing Thursday, Apr 20 2006 

Basically the younger generations are starting to become involved in sexual activity a lot earlier than I did or the generation before me, or the generation before that, and so on and so forth.  When I was in junior high school, we were still playing Truth or Dare, Spin the Bottle and Seven Minutes in Heaven, however now-a-days, the junior high school kids seem to be playing "Hand Job or Blow Job", "Spin the Bottle" but instead of kissing who ever it lands on, having sex with whoever it lands on, and seven minutes in a bed if the boy can go for that long at such a young age.  It's hard to think of my younger sister who is a freshman in high school even dating a boy, yet I had a boyfriend all throughout high school.  As the generations get smarter and more into the media and technology, they will have that negative influence of "sex, drugs & alcohol" beating down on them for years to come.  It is weird to think that when my grandparents were my age, they were getting married, yet my Mom did not know anyone married at 19, and I don't either.  Generation to generation shows a huge difference in certain things.  Morals and ideals have changed greatly, as well as role models and major influences on each generation.

Seven Dirty Words Monday, Apr 17 2006 

Some people think that there are certain words/phrases that do not belong in public.  These words/phrases are considered indecent (most of the time).  Indecency could be defined as a lot of things:  cursing in public, inappropriate television shows after a certain time, wearing inappropriate clothing in public, etc.  Indecency is really anything that people are opposed to or do not agree with.


The term “The Seven Dirty Words” came from the seven words that people thought “infected the soul”.  These words included:  shit, piss, cunt, tits, cocksucker, motherfucker and fuck.  Now, to most people, these words are not inappropriate or indecent because to most people, these words are part of their everyday language.  It’s not strange to pass by someone on the street and over hear a conversation they are having on their cell phone:  “That fucking asshole!  What a motherfucker, I hate him!”  Or even just the simplest “Are you fucking kidding me?!”  I am not opposed to these words at all, and I do not mind over hearing people use them, however, I do think it is slightly inappropriate when people expose these words to young children.  These children are so vulnerable to new things and they do not need to be learning curse words at such a young age.  I remember when my sister came home in 2nd grade and told my mom that she had read the word “FUCK” written on the bathroom wall.  Kids are writing curse words on elementary school bathroom stalls already?! I thought to myself.  And yes, we do have to take into consideration that times have changed and generations are extremely different than they were when our parents grew up.

Although there is zoning, and broadcast licensing that permits people to only broadcast indecent things at certain times whether over the radio or television; wouldn’t it make much more sense to take action and stop the indecency where it starts?  It’s the parents, teachers, older brothers and sisters, cousins, etc.  If they watch what they say around kids, we might be able to stop the indecency of swearing in public for example.

Obscenity Laws Saturday, Apr 8 2006 

The Miller Law of obscenity proves many different cases of ambiguity within the context.  Obscenity is defined as community standards, and just like pornography, there is no concrete definition of the term.  How does one define obscenity and enforce the laws without a definition for the law?  How are we supposed to know when something is bad or not?  Should masterbation be more obscene than sodomy or walking through traffic?  I never knew that masterbation within your own home was considered obscene, but I learned that circumcision took place in order to minimize the amount of masterbation for young boys.  There are many different ways that police could prosecute some of these issues, however which of these issues would be more obscene that each other?

Last semester there was a story about one of the pledges from a fraternity on campus who was masterbating in a locked cubicle and was caught and arrested.  He was in a locked room with something covering him however was still arrested and taken in for obscenity.  Does this go against the first amendment?  Freedom of speech?  Being able to do what we want to when we want to?  Our government enforces laws based on society and what society wants for themselves.  Eventually we will need a definition for the obscenity law.  There needs to be set standards for obscenity otherwise there would be too much chaos.  

Cyber Sex as Adultery? Thursday, Apr 6 2006 

I've never really been fond of cyber sex because I personally think it's a little pathetic (no offense).  I know that some people just can't get any from a significant other, but to sit on the computer playing with yourself it just a little awkward in my opinion.  Although there is no physical contact during this cyber sex period, there is still emotion and intimacy attached to it.  People use cyber sex and watch porn as a way to learn new sex positions or to be more intimate or kinky in bed.

With sex also comes religious viewpoints as well as moral viewpoints.  In some religions, you can only have sex with a certain race or ethnicity, or you can not have sex until you are married.  Many religions are very strict when it comes to sex within their beliefs.  Along with religious beliefs, there are moral and personal beliefs for each individual person.  Many people hide what has really happened in their lives to protect their reputations, etc.  In the end it all comes down to morals and standards and who wants people knowing certain things about their lives.  The porn industry deals with so much more than people think.  It's not ALL about the sex.

PORN MYTHS… Is watching porn considered cheating? Tuesday, Apr 4 2006 

Almost every minute, another man is watching porn while sitting on the couch at home or in the office when he is supposed to be doing work.  This is not a crime.  Men are very sexually frustrated people when they are not satisfied properly.  This is why most men watch porn.  The reason for this being that either their wife or girlfriend is not sexually satisfying them, or because they don't have that significant other to please them.  Sometimes men watch porn to figure out new ways to spice up his life in the bedroom, instead of going out and trying to find a kinky woman to cheat on his girl at home with.  I agree with this, because I believe experimenting is better than cheating on someone.  I know that my boyfriend watches porn, and I would rather him be cheating on me with Jenna Jameson and his right hand than with another ACTUAL girl.  Porn helps our boys overcome some sexual tension or frustration that they might have while being away from their girl from a long time, so it is just something that we have to let these boys do.

Good job blogging classmates! Tuesday, Apr 4 2006 

The first blog which I think is consistent and a good blog, is "MClizzle"'s blog.  I find it hysterical how he signs his blogs "Love Always, Ron Jeremy" and I think that he always has very lengthy entries.  Not only are the entries lengthy, but they are interesting as well.  He takes a very good standpoint when it comes to his opinion.


The second blog I find very interesting is "My mom pays my tuition so I can learn about porn".  He/she is very consistent with their writing and shows that they are learning from the class and that it is not just a class which is "easy" cause you learn about porn.  He/she has very good points and makes very good arguments towards or against porn.


Lastly, a consistent blog that I enjoy reading is HNetinka's blog.   He provides very in depth and intriguing blogs about certain things that I would never have guess to write about.  He provides and indepth question and answer section with himself, and asks himselves the questions that some people are too scared to ask outloud.  He keeps very consistent and provides a good insite into the class for outsiders.
